This was my first term project of my final year of BFA studies.
This project examines male and female opinions on equality for women. The red lips in both are used to represent women and femininity. I picked quotes (one by Timothy Leary and one by Clare Boothe Luce) on feminism that have had a particular impact on me.
The male voice is exemplified by technology both in production and display using a clearly computerized style of animation and displaying it using an ipod. The female voice is exemplified in a deconstructed animation (showing the extra work that goes into getting people to hear/listen to the female voice) by taking video and making it into frames in Photoshop, then using a light box to trace the images and paint each frame by hand and having the words quietly written with the animation using white ink instead of vocalized like in the male animation.
Below is how my piece was displayed, the print next to the looping animation played on an ipod device I constructed wit black acrylic and a laser cutter.
This piece was displayed again in the LaVerne Krause Gallery Experience, Experimentation juried student art exhibition. The animation is absent.
Read my lips

Read my lips

A print and animation project examining views on equality for women.


Creative Fields